Pure Fun & Adventure
Captain FlashLight
HERE WE GLOW AGAIN! “The Brilliant Adventures of Captain FlashLight,” the radio mini-series, heard for many years on the nationally syndicated COCONUT HUT RADIO SHOW, has been in development as an animated series since 2008. While the animated series is on hold, Captain FlashLight’s adventures continue as exciting Junior Novels. “Darknetized,” Adventure 1, now available, will be followed by Adventures 2 and 3 taking the story to intergalactic proportions. But the theme remains: Light will shine into the darkness and the darkness cannot overpower it.” (John 1:5).
Boy + Dog
Boy + Dog brings tail-wagging fun to kids of all ages. These one-minute animated shorts were broadcast on national television before finding a home at YouTube’s Rod The Puppet Guy channel. Each dog-tastic episode features Ollie the dog and Cal the boy in comical situations based on scriptural truths. It’s a pure-hearted show to tickle your funny bone and touch your heart.